Antonio Stradivari’s 1707 Master Violin «ex Brüstlein» (Stradivarius)

The ex Brüstlein was named after an amateur Berlin musician.

The name Stradivarius is associated with violins built by members of the Stradivari family, particularly Antonio Stradivari. According to their reputation, the quality of their sound has defied attempts to explain or reproduce, though this belief is controversial. The name «Stradivarius» has also become a superlative often associated with excellence; to be called «the Stradivari» of any field is to be deemed the finest there is.

Antonio Stradivari (1644 — December 18, 1737) was an Italian luthier, a crafter of stringed instruments such as violins, cellos, guitars, violas, double basses and harps.

Owners / players / dealers in chronological order:
Mrs. Rudolph Loeb, Berlin ?
Herrmann, Emil
Mrs. Rudolph Loeb, Berlin ?
??? (1920s)
Harvard College, Massachusetts
Austrian National Bank
• Schmid, Benjamin – Vienna (1990)

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