Lyrics for Itzhak Perlman Schindler’s List Theme, Holocaust

In honor of the 6 million that perished and in honor of all those who continue to bear the pain of surviving. We will pass on your legacy and strength to our children, WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER…

The Holocaust occurred close to 80 years ago and yet many still feel the pain today. With every passing day it seems we forget more and more but this video goes to show that the world has united to NEVER FORGET. We must never forget the suffering of those years as well as recognize the suffering that goes on today and STOP IT. Remembering is not enough, we must better ourselves to prevent future tragedies from taking place.

Words and Arrangement by Eugene Vaknansky
Music composed by John Williams
Performed on Violin by Itzhak Perlman

Holocaust Memorials in Order:
Liverpool Street Station, London Kindertransport – the arrival Frank Meisler, Arie Oviada

Palm Springs, California Desert Holocaust Memorial Dee Clements

Antwerp, Belgium Monument to the Deported Citizens of Antwerp Willem Bierwerts

Budapest, Hungary Shoes on the Danube Bank Can Togay, Gyula Pauer

Berlin, Germany Holocaust Memorial Peter Eisenman, Buro Happold

Amsterdam Ravensbruck Memorial Joost Van Santen

Jerusalem, Israel Torah Marcelle Elfenbein Swergold

Schwerte, Germany

Budapest, Hungary Weeping Willow Imre Varga

Miami, Florida Love and Anguish Kenneth Treister

Skokie, Illinois The Freedom Fighters Edward Chesney

San Francisco, California The Holocaust George Segal

Columbus, Ohio Ohio Holocaust and Liberators Memorial Daniel Libeskind

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Holocaust Memorial David Ascalon

Boston, Massachusetts The Memorial Stanley Saitowitz

Miami, Florida Love and Anguish Kenneth Treister

Paris, France Holocaust Memorial for Oranienburg and
Sachsenhausen Camp Jean Baptiste-Leducq

Moscow, Russia Tragedy of Nations Zurab Tseretli

Minsk, Belarus The Last Way Leonid Levin, Elsa Pollak

Baltimore, Maryland Holocaust Monument Joseph Sheppard

Brooklyn, NY Holocaust Memorial NYC

Warsaw, Poland Ghetto Heroes Monument Nathan Rapoport

Riga, Latvia Bikernieki Memorial Sergey Rizh

York, Pennsylvania The Six Million Don Briddell

Lidice Monument of Children’s War Victims Marie Uchytilova

Jericho, NY Holocaust Monument Michael Alfano

Composer John Williams had written breathtaking music that was performed by the Itzhak Perlman as the theme for the movie Schindler’s List which was directed by Steven Spielberg.

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