Home Soundproofing: Sleep without distractions, avoid poor apartments, live stress free

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Every single day thousands of people suffer poor soundproofing of apartment homes. Common problems as sleeping disturbed, weekends turning into nightmares due to loud music carrying from the neighbor and general suffering from noise resulting to increased stress. In most severe cases noise causing depression.

You may one that likes to solve issues rather today than later on, which will of course never take place. This book will equip you with powerful ways to solve noise problems and to avoid noisy neighbors in the future apartments.

KDP Author Petteri Kallio has find a way to share his personal experiences and really assisting persons fighting with noise issues. Make sure you are equipped with the knowledge to avoid badly soundproofed apartments overall.

Simple guidance for DIY persons to enhance apartment’s soundproofing. May your problem be the noise resulting from kids room or noise carrying from the neighbors, this is the book to start taking action.

Book includes:

– Methods for DIY soundproofing
– Basics of building acoustics
– Evaluating soundproofing while purchasing apartment

Don’t let the noise to control you, make you controlling the noise! Read and gain the knowledge about home soundproofing and avoiding poorly soundpoofed apartments all in all.


– Home soundproofing checklist for home purchaser!
– Link to free checklist in excel format placing your apartments in order!
– 11 Rules for home purchaser!
– Author gets back to you within 48 hrs in your personal soundproofing issue! (Book buyers service)

Revised version. Based on customer experience corrections and improvements made. Added most valuable Q&A straight from the customers.

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