The Ultimate Live Sound Operators Handbook, 2nd Edition (Music Pro Guides) Bk/online media

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(Music Pro Guide Books & DVDs). The second edition of The Ultimate Live Sound Operator’s Handbook is updated with new text, photos, illustrations, and video examples accessed online to specifically address the important, cutting-edge concerns faced by modern sound operators of all types. High-quality audio is increasingly imperative, whether you’re running sound for a rock, country, punk, or jazz band performing in clubs, arenas, or outdoor parks. With the advent and implementation of large-budget multimedia presentations, along with high-resolution multichannel audio for movies, television, and downloads, any live act must sound great to be well received by today’s increasingly savvy audience members. This revised handbook focuses on each aspect of live sound in a way that is straightforward and easy to understand, breaking the process down into principles and practices that assist the modern sound tech in everything from planning and budgeting to mixing and recording the live show.

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